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Wissen und Erfahrung zu teilen und damit Menschen und Organisationen zu inspirieren, zu motivieren und zu bewegen ist ein Privileg für Tobias. Basierend auf seinen authentischen Erfahrungen und seinem Gespür für aktuelle Entwicklungen und Trends erzähle er Geschichten die bewegen und fesseln.

Jeder kann ein Treiber für Veränderung werden.

Dazu ermutige er mit einfachen Botschaften, verständlichen Modellen und realen Beispielen. Mit viel Witz, Charme und einem Augenzwinkern lädt Tobias sein Publikum ein, bei sich selbst anzufangen. Er nimmt Kontakt auf, bringt das Herz und den Verstand zusammen, nimmt mit auf eine Reise und lässt Sie erleben. Direkt vor Ort. Kein Bullshit, keine Schmeicheleien. Mehrwert – für sofortiges Handeln, zukünftiges Denken und erfolgreiche Transformationen.


Everything is changing. As radical and fast as never before. Also, the working world. Analog becomes digital. Lean becomes agile. Command and Control become empowerment. Our patterns of behavior from the past are often no longer sufficient to make clear decisions and to radiate security in the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous present. Those who have been a successful leader to this day have had power, the right answers, and clearly agreed on goals. The way to success is learned, after all, it has finally worked out the last time.


The call for a new leadership role has become constant background noise. We all feel that. You certainly too. Those who lead tomorrow give up power, ask the right questions, create connectedness, create experiences, and support others on their way. Where subject matter experts sit in management functions today, more and more experts will sit down for leadership tomorrow.


At the same time, the path to becoming an expert for leadership begins with ourselves. In our personality lies the key to transformation. When we change, we automatically change our environment. As we unleash our potential, we will enable others to unleash their potential.

Tobias Mayer is a systemic business coach and a passionate leader. He knows what he is talking about. Till 2019 he was developing, re-shaping and continuously improving the new leadership role at Daimler AG 

allowing him to intensively deal with all facets of leadership. His many years of leadership experience in agile international teams make him a sympathetic practitioner and an inspiring uproar.



Experience oneself

to accompany

and move people.



Form a high-performance team, grow and work in it



Make your organization fit for the future.



Design a

successful transformation.



Live your life

 purpose driven

and meaningful



Supporting people and actively shaping their transformation with joy, curiosity, and sensitivity is a privilege. Personal development means getting in touch with yourself and your environment. Feel pain and happiness, get your strength and energy, and sometimes take one. Put off masks and just be authentic.


At the LMU Munich Tobias gratuated as Master of Arts in Education, Psychology, and Politics. From 2008 - 2012, he was educated as a systemic individual and team coach at the Institute Team Rosenkranz.


The basis of the work as a systemic coach is the assumption that you are the solution for your challenges. Coaching means to accompany on the way to secrets and white 

 spots of the personality

 unleashes hidden potential.


Targeted questioning and attentive listening create deep access to one's own personality. With much appreciation and self-love, we approach the strengths and weaknesses of your character and your role as boss, employee, mother, father, daughter, son, etc.


Tobias is a leader by heart. For the past three years, he has been the driving force behind Daimler AG's Leadership 2020 initiative. He dealt extensively with all facets of leadership. From the responsibility for small expert teams, international and agile project teams with several hundred employees, to setting up of a department of 40 employees overnight, he experienced a lot.


My coaching is mainly aimed at  managers and top executives,  in professional as well as private contexts.



Leadership Coaching
Team Coaching
Organisations Coaching
Transformation Coaching
Life Coaching
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